& these words are all mine.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I am a child,
With only knowledge of the good in life.
I am a kid on a summer day,
And you, my Kool-aid.
You're every reason for me to stray and quench my thirst away,
But it's okay,
Tomorrow there will be more time to play.

I grow, I am a child,
This heart knows no ache for years to come my way;
I am a kid in a rowboat,
And you, my every rolling wake.
You're every pretty fish I wish to feel within my hands -
I know I can,
Despite the world's harshest demands.

I grow, I am a child,
Unsoiled by careless demeanor or anything bad;
I am a kid on a roller coaster,
And you, my Disney Land;
You're every tummy knot that I love to feel unwind,
So many times,
You're still every thrill I seek inside.

I grow, I am a child,
Overjoyed by the simplest things most forget to adore;
I am a kid with bubblegum,
And you, my candy store;
You're the sweet variety that tempts my tongue & steals my thoughts,
Don't think I forgot,
From you, that sugar high I got.

And I grow, I am a child,
Unweighted by a world that won't stop shaking;
I am a kid deep in sleep,
And you, my mound of blankies.
You're every dream I close my eyes to see when I am napping,
Warm and happy,
I'll continue this way if you'll only let me....

I'm a kid, with you,
I could never grow old,
And though I'm contented to keep this innocence around,
I think I'm ready to grow with you now.
For both our sake
We grow,
We remain,
We cultivate this timeless love to share
And grow with each day.

1 comment:

  1. This was always my favorite!!! I remember it by the fish part. All I can ever recall is there's something about reaching over and grabbing a fish. =P


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